We have changed our name from the NEW TRADITION COALITION to DRAW THE LINE LAWRENCE so it better fits our purpose and mission. We call on all community members to come together and DRAW THE LINE on underage drinking and drug use for a healthier and safer place to live.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Parent Q & A


a lawrence mom said...

As parents when our teens start “acting up” our first inclination is to enforce rules and regulations. But rules and regulation without relationship breeds rebellion. First reestablish the relationship (things have changed since they were children) then implement the rules along with their input.

Teresa said...

There is no one size fits all answer.
One thing I tried, and it appears to be successful so far, is to bring my kids early on to a soup kitchen, halfway house and rehab center. They also went and sat in court to see that side of things. The world is bigger than they know. Introduce it to them, guide them and stand by.

Gladys David said...

When I found out my daughter had experimented with alcohol I waited until the following day for her to sober up. I asked her where did she get the alcohol from. She told me that a couple of her friends brought the beer at a small deli twenty minutes from my house. I had my daughter make a list of the pro’s and con’s of her drinking. How did she feel? Why she did it? The following weekend my husband told the kids he was taking them to visit their grandparents. While everyone was out of the house I went to the deli and waited outside. When I saw teenagers going inside the deli I went in. The teenagers brought beer and cigarettes and not once was anyone asked to show ID. I reported the incident to patrol car in the neighborhood and a few weeks later the deli was closed.