We have changed our name from the NEW TRADITION COALITION to DRAW THE LINE LAWRENCE so it better fits our purpose and mission. We call on all community members to come together and DRAW THE LINE on underage drinking and drug use for a healthier and safer place to live.

Friday, June 5, 2009

ADOLESCENT BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR – Why do teens act this way?

The part of the brain which controls reasoning and impulses – known as the Prefrontal Cortex – is near the front of the brain and does not fully mature until the age of 25.

Unfortunately, developing brains may be more prone to damage. This means that experimentation with drugs and alcohol can have lasting, harmful effects on your teen’s health.

Want to know more? Visit http://www.drugfree.org/teenbrain/science/behavior.html
This site is full of helpful information to discuss and share with your teen.

1 comment:

Mireille said...

Hi, I have written a post about your group on my blog


If you would like for me to place a permanent link to your website in my blog roll please contact me.

Thank you for the information you provide to our community.

Mireille Green