We have changed our name from the NEW TRADITION COALITION to DRAW THE LINE LAWRENCE so it better fits our purpose and mission. We call on all community members to come together and DRAW THE LINE on underage drinking and drug use for a healthier and safer place to live.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hi! My name is Elizabeth Scheib. I have two teenaged sons, one in college and one in high school. I am troubled by the risky use of alcohol by our teens. I made plenty of bad choices as a teen, but it seems that the drinking contests and mass consumption that is acceptable and even celebrated by today’s youth is much more dangerous than in previous generations. The consequences of drinking have touched my life personally, giving me a passion to help educate and support others. While our teens are bent on making their own decisions, we can play an important role by providing them with plenty of relevant, fact-based information to encourage them to make the choice not to drink illegally. That is why I want to be a part of the New Tradition Coalition. I want to help other parents learn as much as they can about the effects of drinking, the law, and what is going on in Lawrence so they can become part of a new tradition to reduce underage drinking.

I am also on staff at a local church and I’m encouraged by God’s word. God loves us no matter where we have been and what we have done. And He loves our teens too much to let them go down a path of destruction. He just wants us to turn to Him. Our kids want to be loved and valued and sometimes I feel we spend more time tearing them down instead of building them up. Author, Jim Burns, has a great website that I frequent (http://www.homeword.com/) According to the website, “HomeWord is a Christian organization designed to provide assistance to adults worldwide as they help young people make wise decisions and lead positive, vibrant, Christian lifestyles.” I think that is what God wants us to do as parents, to come alongside them and help them steer through a scary, potentially risky period in their lives. HomeWord has weekly articles, radio broadcasts, Q&A, and other resources to help parents navigate the teenage years. I pray you will be encouraged by what you find on the HomeWord site and empowered by the information on the New Tradition Coalition site.

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